Incontinence is a horrible word dreaded by most people but , like everything else, it is how you deal with it that matters. It usually occurs in your later years and , thankfully, there are people
whose research and skills have resulted in a management policy which can largely mitigate the effects upon you and those around you. Indeed so good are the options that you can keep things perfectly under control and few people ,if any, need know that you have a problem.
One of the people we should thank is Vicky Blanken. During her research she discovered
that, actually, there was a massive need for adult protection which no one seemed to be filling so
she produced a garment for adults that could be re used time and time again.
It so happened that I was one of those people needing a practical solution. Like many men of my
generation I was experiencing periods of critical urgency during the day and also problems at
night which were disturbing my sleep in a massive way and it is all to do with my prostate gland.
My problems started around twenty years ago and I now have to be monitored every six months in case it should turn cancerous.
There are pills of course and several surgical options but in every case there can be very
unattractive repercussions some of which lead to greater incontinence or other issues .
So I decided to look for alternatives. For men disposable pads are , in my view , absolutely
hopeless due to the male anatomy. They leak, come undone and generally fit badly leaving you almost worse off than not wearing anything. Then of course there are the cost and environmental factors including what to do with all that bulky waste.
Somehow I came across Vicky and read about her products which are actually adult sized baby nappies. Does that fill you with horror ? Well it shouldn’t, just treat this like everything else that
you have had to deal with throughout your long life and be eternally thankful that there are people like Vicky who have worked hard to find a solution to an increasing problem because these really do the job that they were designed to do. No waste, no environmental issues and a huge saving in cost compared with disposables. More to the point ,who is going to know outside you dearest and nearest when you need these ?
The first thing that you discover when they arrive is that they have been superbly made, and are
super soft to the touch . When you first put one on they feel large but so amazingly comfortable
and they remain so even when wet .The applix fastenings hold the garment firmly in position- not a chance of this sagging or inadvertently slipping off. You do need a waterproof cover
and ,personally, I use pull on plastic pants but Vicky can supply waterproof wraps if you prefer.
Having the right waterproof pants I found to be one of the most difficult issues especially since I am a side sleeper . Not too tight, not too slack and then you have the perfect combination for
blissful nights without any soreness and no damp sheets.
There are slimmer all in one options which Vicky can supply for daytime use which hardly show
under normal clothes yet provide adequate emergency capacity and I occasionally have to use them. What a blessing these have been to me.
Initially the costs are greater than disposables but I can tell you that the 7 that I bought have each lasted for about 150 washes already and show no sign of failing to do the job that they were designed to do and , financially, what an incredible saving ! Thankfully we have a discreet washing line to enable outside drying on most occasions- which ,again, is a saving.
I have written this anonymously because this is a very private matter but I did feel that Vicky
should have the support that she so richly deserves and for which she has made inevitable sacrifices in pursuing her passionate belief.
Michael C